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impact.gravitas is a youth organization focused on increasing awareness and developing collaborative solutions to plastic pollution. There are over 86 million tons of plastic in the oceans and every year 8 million additional tons of plastic makes its way into our oceans. This pollution is not only impacting the health of our oceans, but is also risking the future of our planet. Our mission is to create a comprehensive platform for solution generation to address the growing issue of plastic pollution.


When creating impact.gravitas, I wanted the name of the organization to be something catchy, unique, and something that people would remember.


- Saanya Bhargava

Founder & President of impact.gravitas



impact.gravitas was  founded to make a tangible impact in the realm of plastic pollution - hence the word “impact” right in the beginning. 


“Gravitas” - meaning dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner - is the ethos of the organization. Plastic pollution is a serious global issue and the way in which we approach it is deeply with a strength in character.


The punctuation in between the two words “impact” and “gravitas” symbolizes the urgency of the growing issue. Plastic pollution needs to be stopped. Period.

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